New Year, New You?

Have you made changes for 2021?

So, I'm not a massive believer in "New Year's Resolutions", but I do tend to use some time in January to sketch out my year and how I want it to look.

Here is what I have for planned for 2021 in the following categories:

Work- Books!- work hard to make writing work as a full time career for me and start to build for the future. Write and publish 2 books per month (where possible). Work on getting as many of my books as possible made into Audiobooks. Get a website up and running and keep my social media going strong.

Health and wellness- nutrition and exercise and general wellbeing- Focus on eating healthy food for at least 80% of the time. I have a kettlebell so my other plan is to incorporate kettlebell workouts into my life 4 times per week since the gym is still closed (Covid restrictions)and showing no sign of the UK moving on from these restrictions. Also, I am trying to significantly reduce use of my phone for mindless scrolling/ wasting my life! I go on walks in the countryside daily and I want to continue that. MAKE SURE TO TAKE TIME OFF! (I'm not the best at making myself do this!) Also, spend time with animals where possible because it makes me happy!

Family/Friends/relationships- The past year has been quite isolating for me in this respect. I'm an introvert anyway and really the majority of my social contact has been forcibly removed. I hate FaceTime and phone calls. I find phone calls the lesser of the evils so I want to make more attempt to speak to friends and family on the phone  and then see them in person if that ever becomes possible. I'm going to make a real effort to phone my dad more because he is pretty elderly now and suffering from health issues and you never know how much time there will be. 

Anyway, enough about me! Do you do anything like this? I'd love to hear what your plans for 2021 are!

Anyway, I hope you have had a good weekend. I didn't do anything exciting. I went for a late night walk in the dark on Saturday night. The woods and lakes where I like to walk are so busy at weekends at the moment. So I wanted to walk in absolute peace and it might seem a little creepy, but it was so lovely and quiet at night. And the lakes were beautiful in the moonlight. It was pretty wet and muddy though!

I hope you don't have the kind of job where Mondays are something you dread. I used to. My manager was such a sexist nightmare and a bully. I used to get super anxious on Sunday nights before going back to work. Then on the Monday morning I would cry on my way in to work sometimes. It was such a horrible time for me but I felt trapped and like I had to stay. 

It is another reason I am so determined to make author life work for me. I never ever want to be stuck in a job like that again that takes such a toll on my mental health.

Take care and have a good week. :) I am busy writing as usual. :) 

Lots of love, Emily x


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