Fed Up!

I'm honestly so fed up. I feel guilty saying it because I know it is saving lives but every day feels the same. I just want to see some people and maybe go to a bar/ restaurant/coffee shop/gym. Something simple!

What do you miss most since covid restrictions? Aside from missing friends and family I really miss the gym. It is stupid really I know. Like I can work out from home obviously. But I just love going to the gym and its honestly my main social thing hanging out with gym friends, I just find it is something that helps me hugely mentally as well as physically. (I'm not like an obsessive gym fiend. I just like it and miss it!)

How is your week going? I have just read my friend, Grace's new book Lost in Desire and I loved it! If you fancy something spicy for the weekend, with a straight to gay theme.

I hope your week is going well and I really hope that we as the whole world can find a way through this pandemic together. I know there are plans with the vaccines and everything, I just really hope it all works and people can get back to something approaching normal life. Take care and I hope that you are doing ok. I know how tough it can be sometimes. 

Thinking of you all. 

Love Em x


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